Spice Things Up!

Spice adds a little kick to everything on your plate. Sure, vegetables may be considered quite bland and the cruciferous family of veggies may have too assertive a taste for some palates. Adding seasonings can liven up your meal and help you look forward to your daily vegetable servings.

Take, for instance, broccoli. Cooks the world over have come up with inventive ways to get their children to eat broccoli. The most popular method is to cover with a blanket of cheese – not the healthiest way to eat broccoli, but it works.

Here are some healthy alternatives to the blanket of cheese:

  • Sautee Spanish onions and one clove of garlic in a no-stick pan and then add chopped broccoli and two tablespoons of water, cover and steam

  • Like the texture of a sauce on your broccoli? Mix ½ tin of tomato paste with 1 cup boiling water and, there you go, instant sauce

  • Other seasoning suggestions for broccoli are lemon, pepper, basil, oregano, dill, tarragon, Mrs. Dash, Nature’s Seasoning, lime, cumin, or Cajun seasoning

Spicing up vegetables is not limited to broccoli. You can use different seasoning combinations for other vegetables too.

Herbs and spices have a whole list of benefits. They aid digestion, some provide antioxidants, others are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral, and still others have anti-inflammatory properties and promote circulation. Start using herbs and spices for health benefits as well as adding flavour to your veggies.

Below is a list of suggestions to get you started:

  1. Asparagus – tarragon, basil, caraway, dill
  2. Beets – ginger, cilantro, thyme
  3. Bell peppers – basil, marjoram, oregano
  4. Brussels sprouts – parsley, garlic, dill, paprika
  5. Cabbage – cilantro, cumin
  6. Carrots – thyme, sage, ginger, dill, cinnamon
  7. Cauliflower – curry powder, chili powder, cumin, tarragon, dill
  8. Eggplant – basil, curry, oregano, sage
  9. Green beans – garlic, onion, cilantro
  10. Leeks – garlic, ginger
  11. Peas – thyme, cilantro, coriander, dill, basil
  12. Potatoes – garlic, basil, mint, sage
  13. Spinach – dill & lemon, garlic, basil, parsley
  14. Squash – basil, ginger, cinnamon, sage
  15. Tomatoes – anything goes
  16. Yellow beans – paprika, parsley, sage, pepper
  17. Zucchini – basil, oregano, marjoram

But don’t stop here. If you have a favourite seasoning, feel free to try it out with your vegetables.

The Last Word: spice up your vegetables for additional health benefits and eat as many vegetables as you can, in a wide range of colours. Your body will love you for it!

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