Beach Body Menu Plan
- Use Nutrition to Your Advantage -
The beach body menu will help slim you down for summer. It consists of a sample seven day meal plan and is more of a way of life than it is a diet. The important thing to remember is to eat several small meals per day to keep your metabolism in high gear and to guard against hunger. Hunger is the enemy. Hunger can trigger storage enhancement – so don’t get caught skipping your snacks.
You can make this as simple or as complicated as you like. If you’re pressed for time, try baking enough fish and chicken to last a few days, individually package, and refrigerate. Cooked meat will last up to 3 days in the fridge and is easily reheated. The same goes for your vegetables – if you’re short on time, purchase pre-washed, cut and packaged vegetables and salads or prep them the night before and store in the fridge. If you prefer to eat fresh-made meals, try the tip below each supper item and cook enough for your supper and the following snack or lunch for the next day. Either way, these cooking tips will save you time.
Remember, the Beach Body Menu is a sample menu plan so feel free to modify to your own likes and dislikes. Always include a protein with a carbohydrate to reduce the glycemic effect and make sure you switch a vegetable for a vegetable, a protein for a protein, a dairy item for a dairy item and a grain for a grain. As long as you’re using real food and avoiding the processed items, you’re on the right track. Real food provides a clean burning fuel and all the extra fibre will ensure a clean engine.
There's no time like the present, so plan to start your Beach Body Menu today!

Day 1 – Beach Body Menu
Bkfst: Hot lemon water (1 cup boiling water with 1 fresh slice of lemon – squeeze the slice), 1 cup plain no-fat yogurt mixed with ½ cup low fat cottage cheese and ½ cup blueberries, 1 cup water
Mid AM Snack: 1 slice whole wheat nut bread with almond butter, 2 cups water
Lunch: Bison burger pattie, 2 cups Spring Mix salad mix and 1 tbsp olive oil & balsamic vinegar dressing, 1 cup water
Mid PM Snack: ¼ cantaloupe, 12 almonds, 1 cup water
Supper: Baked salmon fillet, 2 cups steamed veggies (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower), 1 cup water
- Make 2 salmon fillets, one for tonight and save one for tomorrow’s Mid AM Snack
Day 2 – Beach Body MenuBkfst: Hot lemon water, omelet made with 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites, 1 pressed garlic clove, green onions and 1 chopped tomato, 1 cup water
Mid AM Snack: Baked salmon fillet (sliced), romaine lettuce, tomato and cucumber slices in half a whole wheat pita pocket, 1 cup water
Lunch: 3oz water-packed tuna, 2 cups green salad (1 head romaine lettuce, 1 tomato, sliced radishes, purple onion, celery & 1 tbsp olive oil & lemon dressing), ¼ cantaloupe, 1 cup water
Mid PM Snack: 12 almonds, one pear, 1 cup water
Supper: Baked chicken breast, 2 cups steamed veggies (peas, yellow beans, purple onion), 1 cup water
- Make 3 chicken breasts, one for tonight, one for tomorrow’s Breakfast and one for Lunch
- Take ½ cup blueberries out of freezer and put in fridge for tomorrow’s Breakfast
Day 3 – Beach Body MenuBkfst: Hot lemon water, 3oz baked chicken breast (from last night), 1 cup plain no-fat yogurt with ½ cup blueberries, 1 cup water
Mid AM Snack: 3oz water packed tuna, 1 cup spinach and bell pepper salad (½ yellow and ½ red bell peppers sliced), 1 tbsp olive oil & lemon dressing, 1 cup water
Lunch: Baked chicken breast in half a whole wheat pita pocket with romaine lettuce, purple onion slices, yellow bell pepper slices and a touch of mustard, ¼ cantaloupe, 1 cup water
Mid PM Snack: 1 cup cut veggies (carrots, celery, broccoli), ¼ cup hummus for dipping, 1 cup water
Supper: 1 bowl of Tofu chili (recipe at the bottom of this page), 1 cup water
- Split chili into 2 portions, one for tonight and one for tomorrow’s Lunch, the rest can be used as a post workout snack
Day 4 – Beach Body MenuBkfst: Hot lemon water, 1 egg and 2 egg whites scrambled with pepper, purple onions and yellow bell peppers (chopped), 1 cup water
Mid AM Snack: ½ can water-packed wild pacific salmon mixed with celery, green onion, pepper, and 1 tsp no-fat mayo, 1 cup water
Lunch: leftover tofu chili, 1 cup water, ¼ cantaloupe
Mid PM Snack: 2 cups mixed baby greens salad with 12 almonds and 1 tbsp olive oil & lemon dressing, 1 cup water
Supper: Bison burger grilled on BBQ (minus the bun), 2 cups Spring Mix salad mix and 1 tbsp oil & balsamic vinegar dressing, 1 cup water
Day 5 – Beach Body MenuBkfst: Hot lemon water, 2 slices nut bread (toasted) with 1 tbsp olive oil for dipping, 1 cup water
Mid AM Snack: ½ grapefruit mixed with ½ cup no-fat cottage cheese and 1 cup no-fat yogurt, 1 cup water
Lunch: ½ can water-packed wild pacific salmon in 2 cups baby mixed greens salad with chopped radishes, celery and cucumber, topped with 1 tbsp olive oil & lemon dressing, 1 cup water
Mid PM Snack: chopped broccoli, carrots, and celery with 1 cup yogurt dill dipping sauce (combine dill and 1 tbsp lemon juice with plain no-fat yogurt), 1 cup water
Supper: Baked chicken breast, mixed greens salad (1 head romaine lettuce
, 1 cucumber , 2 tomatoes and 1 tbsp olive oil & balsamic vinegar dressing), 1 cup water
Day 6 – Beach Body Menu
Bkfst: Hot lemon water, one egg plus 2 egg whites scrambled with 1 clove of pressed garlic and ½ red bell pepper, chopped, season with pepper, 1 cup water
Mid AM Snack: ½ can water-packed tuna mixed with 1 tsp no-fat mayo OR mustard, 1 chopped green onion and black pepper, ½ grapefruit, 1 cup water
Lunch: Baked chicken breast in half a whole wheat pita pocket, stuffed with romaine lettuce, tomato slices, purple onion and a little bit of mustard, 1 cup water
Mid PM Snack: 12 almonds, 1 banana, 1 cup water
Supper: Seared tuna with lemon and dill, ½ cup cooked brown rice, 2 cups steamed veggies (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower), 1 cup water- Make enough rice and tuna for tonight’s dinner and tomorrow’s Mid AM Snack
- Take ½ cup blueberries out of freezer and put in fridge for tomorrow’s Breakfast
Day 7 – Beach Body Menu
Bkfst: Hot lemon water, 1 cup no-fat yogurt mixed with ½ cup blueberries
Mid AM Snack: 3oz tuna salad with celery, green onion, pepper and dill, and ½ cup brown rice from last night’s dinner, 1 cup water
Lunch: Baked chicken breast in half a whole wheat pita with lettuce and tomato and a little bit of mustard, 1 cup water
Mid PM Snack: 1 cup cut veggies (carrots, celery, cucumber), ¼ cup hummus for dipping, 1 cup water
Supper: Bison burger, 2 cups steamed mixed vegetables (make sure to include broccoli plus 3 other vegetables of your choosing)- Make 2 bison burgers, one for tonight and one for Lunch on Day 1
- Take ½ cup blueberries out of freezer and put in fridge for tomorrow’s Breakfast
Evening snacks are optional and should only be eaten if you are hungry. Post workout snacks should be eaten within 45 minutes of your workout to decrease the catabolism phase (breaking down of muscle tissue) and induce the repair and building phase. Post workout snacks should be a carbohydrate-protein combination. Choose one snack from the following list:
- Hard-boiled egg & 1 slice of nut bread
- ¼ cup hummus and carrot sticks
- ½ cup cottage cheese and 5 almonds
- Yogurt and a banana (fruit may cause gas if consumed close to bedtime)
- 1 cup Leftover tofu chili
- Protein shake made with skim milk, protein powder and ½ cup fruit
- 1 glass of skim milk (if you heat the milk, it will act as a natural sedative)

Check your cupboards and fridge first as you may have some of these ingredients on hand.
1 dozen large eggs
5 or 6 cups plain non-fat yogurt
1 or 2 cups low-fat cottage cheese
Skim milk
1 cantaloupe
1 grapefruit
1 pear
5 lemons
4 bananas
1 pkg frozen organic blueberries
3 bunches romaine lettuce
1 small pkg pre-washed spinach
1 pkg pre-washed mixed baby greens
1 pkg pre-washed Spring Mix salad mix
6 tomatoes
3 cucumbers
1 bunch carrots
1 bunch broccoli
1 celery heart
1 bunch radishes
1 bunch green onions
1 yellow onion
2 purple onions
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
2 yellow bell peppers
1 bulb garlic
1 pkg frozen veggies (broccoli, carrot, cauliflower mix)
1 pkg frozen peas
1 pkg frozen yellow beans
Grains & Nuts
1 loaf nut bread
1 pkg whole wheat pitas
1 pkg long grain brown rice
1 pkg roasted almonds with brown skin on, no salt
1 small container of hummus
Meat, Fish, Poultry & Alternatives
6 chicken breasts
3 bison burger patties
2 salmon fillets
2 tuna fillets
1 14oz pkg of firm tofu
2 cans water-packed tuna
1 can water-packed wild pacific salmon
Seasonings, Dressings & Spreads
Chili powder
Cayenne pepper
Black pepper
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Almond butter spread
Non-fat Mayonnaise
Canned Goods
1 can kidney beans
1 can tomato paste
1 can whole tomatoes
Utensils & Kitchen Items
Garlic press
Sharp paring knife
1 cup measuring cup
2 cup measuring cup
Square stackable storage containers
Insulated lunch container
Freezable gel pack (to keep items cool in lunch container)
Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar Dressing
- Combine ½ cup extra virgin olive oil with ¼ cup balsamic vinegar
- Add 2 cloves of fresh pressed garlic and a sprinkling of cracked pepper
- Store in a cool, dark cabinet
Olive Oil & Lemon Dressing- Combine ½ cup extra virgin olive oil with the juice of 1 or 2 freshly squeezed lemons
- Add seasonings to taste (example 2 cloves garlic, ¼ cup parsley, etc.)
2 tbsp olive oil
1 14oz pkg firm tofu, crumbled
1 yellow onion, diced
1 green pepper, diced
3 cloves garlic, pressed
2 tbsp chili powder
½ tsp cumin
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
1 10oz can tomato paste
2 cups water
1 can whole tomatoes, with liquid
1 can kidney beans, drained and rinsed
In a large pot, sauté tofu with olive oil for 3 minutes. Add onions, green pepper, garlic, chili powder, cumin and cayenne pepper and cook for an additional 5 minutes.
Add tomato paste, water, whole tomatoes with liquid, and kidney beans. Simmer, cover and cook for approximately 45 minutes.
- Prep snacks and lunches the night before
- Purchase pre-cut/washed veggie packs if you don’t have time to prep your veggies
- Make a small container of each salad dressing (recipes above) at the beginning of the week
- Cook 3 days worth of protein to have on hand if you don’t have time or don’t feel like cooking each night
- Pre-cook your hard boiled eggs (evening snack and post workout snack option)
- Prep breakfast egg dishes and veggies the night before and refrigerate, then combine eggs and veggies in the morning and cook – the stove is a better choice, but if you must, the microwave will work too
- A protein shake is an alternative to some snacks, but don’t rely on them
- 12 almonds and a piece of fruit will do in a pinch, so keep a stash of almonds in your desk (prepackaged in groups of 12, of course)
The Beach Body Menu is designed as a guide to help you get on track and help you get into your summer clothes.
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The contents of this site are the opinions of Michele Tse unless otherwise noted. The information on this site is intended for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical or nutritional advice or treatment. Please consult your health care practitioner before beginning any fitness program.